The Joyful Sort How To: Maintain An Organized Daily Routine During Self-Quarantine

Hi! How’s everyone doing? What day is it again, the 900th day of April? Cool, cool, cool, just checking.

We’ve been self-isolating at home for over a month now and are starting to finally adjust to our new reality. Some days are definitely better than others, but I’m thankful that we still see our home as a place of comfort and cozy even though we’re spending all of our time here.

As I mentioned in my last blog post, it’s okay to not feel or be super productive right now. But studies have shown that regular cleaning and tidying actually helps to decrease anxiety and stress, and I think everyone could use a little more of that these days. Plus, when your home feels better, you feel better (not science, just my opinion). A few small steps every day, or even most days, can go a long way towards controlling what you can control and feeling at ease in your space.

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Kelly BeutlerComment
The Joyful Sort Top 5: Organizing & Decluttering Projects To Tackle While Social Distancing

Well, hi! How’s everyone doing? I hope that you’re safe, healthy, and cozy at home with your loved ones. If you’re one of the many that are considered essential and keeping the foundation of our communities up and running at personal risk to yourselves and your own families, THANK YOU again and again and again. You are appreciated more than you know.

I’m currently tucked away in our guest room while my husband takes a conference call from the kitchen table and my kids complete their remote learning assignments for the day down in the office. Our dog has never been walked more and has also never been happier now that all of his people are home 24/7. Our cat, however, is less than thrilled. We have plenty of food (and toilet paper), our Disney+ watchlist is stacked, and we’ve connected with friends and family through Zoom and FaceTime as much as possible. We’re slowly but surely adjusting to this new normal, but I still have moments and hours and days where I just can’t quite process all that’s changed and all of the uncertainty about what’s to come.

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Kelly BeutlerComment
The Joyful Sort Top 5: Affordable Products From The Container Store

Y’know that concept of a Happy Place? Somewhere that brings you joy, where you can find clarity and feel centered? The Container Store is one of mine (along with Grace Bay in Turks & Caicos and any quiet, wooded mountain trail, just so you don’t think I’m a total weirdo). When I was working up the courage to leave the safety net of my full-time recruiting job (which also happened to make me totally miserable), I would occasionally escape to The Container Store for an hour, just to wander around with my headphones in and decompress.

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Kelly BeutlerComment
The Joyful Sort How To: Make 2020 Your Most Organized Year Yet

Happy New Year! We had a wonderful holiday break, but I have to admit that I’m so ready to reset and get back into a routine. I love the feeling of a fresh start, looking towards the year ahead with hope and possibility…plus, the day that we take down the Christmas decor and clean the house top to bottom gets me a bit giddy.

While I don’t typically make any formal resolutions, I pick a word for the year (2020’s is Elevate) and set some goals for myself and for my business. “Getting organized” has historically been one of the most common “new year, new me” mantras for people, which is great, but there’s a bit more to it than that. Here’s how to set yourself up for success and truly make this your most organized year yet!

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Kelly BeutlerComment
The Joyful Sort Top 5: Things To Declutter Before The Holidays

December! It’s the most wonderful time of the year…for decluttering! For those you thinking, “December is the craziest month ever! Who does this chick think she is telling me to take on a decluttering project?” - hear me out! Yes, there’s a lot going on during this festive time, but what better reason to simplify things at home? Less stuff means less overwhelm and more time, something that everyone could use during this last month of the year.

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Kelly BeutlerComment
The Joyful Sort How To: Organize A Junk Drawer

When I sat down to write this post, I had an “I couldn’t help but wonder’ Carrie Bradshaw moment about where the term junk drawer actually originated and I ended up going down a bit of a rabbit hole of junk drawer knowledge - no, they’re definitely not just a Midwest thing (in the U.K. they’re called “knick-knack drawers”, Super Glue is found in 58% of them, and apparently the contents can even say a lot about your personality! Every home has at least one of these drawers full of random items that tend to just…land..

Believe it or not, I’m actually a fan of keeping a junk drawer - you’re creating a home for items that may not otherwise have one and that do come in handy! BUT, just as with any other organizing system, it’s a spot that needs to be regularly maintained to prevent things from getting too junky to function. Organizing a junk drawer is one of my favorite starter decluttering and organizing projects because it can typically be done very quickly and provides an easy visual win, so pop on your favorite podcast or Apple Music station and let’s go!

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Kelly Beutler Comment
The Joyful Sort Top 5: Apps For Organization

In 2019, the average U.S. adult will have spent almost three hours a day on their phone. Three hours! I’m definitely guilty of clocking in some serious screen time here and there, and set a goal for myself at the beginning of this year to work on being more mindful about how and when I’m using my phone. Little things like turning off notifications for social media apps or setting reminders for screen time limits have definitely made a difference, but I still rely on my phone for a decent amount of day-to-day functionality so it’s a constant process of keeping things in check. If it’s true that we’re more attached to our phones than ever, why not use them to our advantage to help simplify and streamline our days, right? Here are a few of my favorite apps to help keep you organized:

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