The Joyful Sort How To: Make 2020 Your Most Organized Year Yet

Happy New Year! We had a wonderful holiday break, but I have to admit that I’m so ready to reset and get back into a routine. I love the feeling of a fresh start, looking towards the year ahead with hope and possibility…plus, the day that we take down the Christmas decor and clean the house top to bottom gets me a bit giddy.

While I don’t typically make any formal resolutions, I pick a word for the year (2020’s is Elevate) and set some goals for myself and for my business. “Getting organized” has historically been one of the most common “new year, new me” mantras for people, which is great, but there’s a bit more to it than that. Here’s how to set yourself up for success and truly make this your most organized year yet!

The Joyful Sort - Professional Organizer - Columbus, OH -Blog - How To Get Organized In 2020

Make a plan.

When you only have a broad goal to work from, it’s hard to know where to start. Take a few minutes to write down what specifically you’d like to organize this year: maybe it’s paper clutter or a particular hot spot in your home, maybe you want to work top to bottom and get the whole house whipped into shape or figure out how to better streamline your morning routine. Knowing where your priorities are will help you break things down into smaller, more manageable steps.

Set goals that are specific, but realistic.

Once you’ve defined your organizing priorities, it’s time to set some actionable, attainable goals. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re not going to organize your entire home over the course of a single weekend. Instead, commit to tackling one space per month or a total of two hours throughout the course of each week and get as much done as possible during that time. While it may not seem like it, even just 15 minutes per day can make a huge difference.

I’m determined that 2020 is the year that we finally get a solid system in place for our digital photos, but I’m also realistic to the fact that we’re a busy family with two working parents and active kids and several things on the calendar on a given week, so I’m starting with a goal of one hour of photo decluttering per month. That may shake out to 10 minutes one day and 30 minutes another, and we may end up increasing that goal to two or three hours per month once we get rolling, but the important thing is that we have something specific to work towards while still leaving some margin for the stuff of life.

Prepare to purge.

Truth bomb time: organization doesn’t work unless you deal with volume first. The number one reason that people struggle to create a truly organized space is that they’re simply working with too. much. stuff. If you struggle with letting things go, here are a few ways that you can start to shift your mindset:

  • Visualize how you want your space to look and feel (I love keeping a collection of saved images on Instagram and/or Pinterest boards for motivation)

  • Ask yourself whether any new item you’re bringing into your home is something that you truly need, use, or love

  • Try a round of Peter Walsh’s “Trash Bag Tango” - spend 10 minutes walking through your house with two trash bags (one for actual trash, one for donations); repeat as often as you feel comfortable to start building up that decluttering muscle

Start with some easy wins.

Be strategic about your starting point. If you try to jump right in with the basement storage that you’ve avoided for the past five-plus years or keepsakes that haven’t seen the light of day since high school, chances are that you’re going to lose steam quickly and end up feeling defeated. Instead, start with a spot that doesn’t require a lot of emotion or decision-making energy, such as a junk drawer, bathroom cabinet, or pantry.

Remember your Why.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to keep going, go back to your Why. What was it that prompted you to set this new year goal for yourself in the first place? Revisit those planning notes that you jotted down, take another peek at your Pinterest board or Instagram collection, or check in with an accountability buddy (I love when clients and friends text me with Before and After shots of projects they’ve decided to tackle on their own!). Little rewards here and there are another great motivator - treat yourself to Starbucks or buy some fresh flowers for your newly organized kitchen!

Remember that you’re setting a new habit, which is tough stuff. Give yourself grace when you need to. You can do this!

The Joyful Sort - Professional Organizer - Columbus, OH - Blog
The Joyful sort - professional organizer - Columbus, OH - Blog - Kelly Beutler
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