The Joyful Sort Top 5: Things To Declutter Before The Holidays

December! It’s the most wonderful time of the year…for decluttering! For those you thinking, “December is the craziest month ever! Who does this chick think she is telling me to take on a decluttering project?” - hear me out! Yes, there’s a lot going on during this festive time, but what better reason to simplify things at home? Less stuff means less overwhelm and more time, something that everyone could use during this last month of the year.

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1. The playroom

One of my top tips for keeping toy clutter in check is making time for a complete reset at least twice a year -before birthdays and before the holidays. My approach is to start solo, weeding out any obvious trash and things that are broken or missing pieces (start a Lost and Found box and pitch anything that hasn’t found a match by the end of your decluttering session), then pulling anything that I think is on the verge of being outgrown or has seen better days. My boys are involved in the decision-making process from there because a) it’s their stuff and b) I’m a firm believer that all kids need practice from a young age in being able to easily let things go. We talk a lot about the importance of donating their once-loved items to another boy or girl and how fortunate we are to be able to do that. It also gives me a good baseline for the inevitable questions from family about what’s on the boys’ gift lists for the year.

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2. The linen closet

Whether you’re hosting and want your guest room to feel like a mini B&B or just want to turn your own bedroom and bathroom into a spot of respite from the holiday hustle and bustle, taking an hour to reset your linen closet can go a long way. Check out a full blog post here to help you get started.

3. The pantry

The lull between Thanksgiving feasting and holiday baking may be a short one, but it’s still a great time for a quick pantry refresh. Toss any expired items, use up anything that’s close to being empty, and keep a list of any basics that need to be restocked. You can also check out some of my favorite pantry organization products here, if you want to take it up a notch and leave those doors wide open when company comes to show off your hard work.

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4. Sock drawers

True story: when life feels especially hectic, I usually clean out my fridge or my sock drawer. This is a great pre-holiday project because it’s a daily-use spot that can be frustrating to deal with when jam packed, but a quick easy-win that can usually be completed in just 10-15 minutes. Plus there’s just something super satisfying about tossing worn out or holey socks and a good excuse to replace them with some warm fuzzies in time for snowy days ahead. Dump out the contents of the drawer, get rid of anything in less than stellar shape or without a mate, and then take a realistic look at the volume that you’ll put back in based on how often you do laundry. Bonus points for adding drawer dividers!

5. Your calendar

Is it just me, or does December feel especially crunched this year? Consider this permission granted to JUST. SAY. NO. to anything that doesn’t bring you joy during what should be a season of gratitude and reflection. If you haven’t already, jot down a quick list of your favorite holiday traditions (not the “shoulds” or the “have tos”, but the ones that really stick in your heart year after year) and pencil them into your calendar. The rest is just noise.

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Wishing you and your families a wonderful holiday season, and here’s to an exciting new year ahead!

Kelly BeutlerComment