The Joyful Sort Top 5: Organization Podcasts

It’s been a busy few months, with a lot of time spent in the car trekking to and from sessions and donation drop-offs (#grateful), and I’ve relied heavily on podcasts as a great way to pass the time. Granted, not all of them have been home or organization-related (I’m still not over the total insanity of The Dropout), but those tend to be my go-tos for obvious reasons. I’m always looking for new podcast recommendations, so I thought that it would be fun to share a few of my favorites ( in no particular order):

The Joyful Sort Top 5 Organization Podcasts
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1. A To B Podcast

BFFs Autumn (a professional organizer) and Bethany (a teacher) chat about and support each other through all things simplicity and organizing. I love their rapport ( it makes me feel like I’m having a similar chat of my own with my forever best friend), as well as their willingness to change things up and try a new approach if something isn’t quite working.

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2. Cocktails And Containers

Cocktails and containers - what’s not to like?! Amazing name aside, Christy Lingo happens to be a fellow Columbus mom, professional organizer, and just a downright nice person. Each episode includes a specific organizing topic paired with a unique and fun cocktail recipe, and Christy provides some amazing practical tips and truth bombs along the way. Check out the goal setting series from earlier this year featuring yours truly, and a delicious peppermint schnapps sipping chocolate.

The Joyful Sort - Top 5 Organization Podcasts

3. This Organized Life

When I started to seriously consider changing career lanes and becoming a professional organizer, I wanted to soak up as much as I could about the industry and This Organized Life was one of my very first go-to sources of inspiration and encouragement. Laurie Palau and her co-host Erika Goodyear do an amazing job of breaking projects down into simple, actionable steps as well as fostering an amazing sense of support within the professional organizing community.

The Joyful Sort - Top 5 Organization Podcasts

4. The Art of Decluttering

Amy and Kirsty, both professional organizers, share tons of tips and tricks that they use both in their own homes and with clients. These ladies are based in Australia and I’d be lying if I said that listening to their wonderful accents wasn’t just as enjoyable as all of the great content they put out.

The Joyful Sort - Top 5 Organization Podcasts

5. A Slob Comes Clean

Dana, a self-professed “slob”, brings listeners along on her own decluttering and organizing journey. I absolutely love her candor and her willingness to put it all out there as she works through changing her own habits and helping others change theirs.


I hope that you enjoy these as much as I do, and maybe found a new download or two to add to your library! If you have any home or organization podcast favorites, let me know in the comments!

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